Why Positive Self-Talk Should Be Apart of Your Daily Routine


What’s up Vibe Tribe, today we are talking about...well....about how we talk to ourselves...and how flipping the script on your own shit-talking is going to dramatically improve how you currently experience situations in your life.

Negative self talk (not what other people are saying to you, what you are saying to yourself!) hinders our confidence big time and if you feel like you’re not currently attracting more of what you want into your life it may have something to do with those silent but deadly conversations that you're having with yourself every time you’re presented with an opportunity to grow. Sound like you? Ok keep watching!

Our subconscious thoughts play a huge role in what we experience every day. So when you wake up and the first thing on your mind is something that makes you unhappy, or doubtful it tends 

The best way to flip your negative talk into positive self love is by first becoming aware of when and how you talk down to yourself and then developing a new habit of choosing better feeling thoughts.

Doubt is the number one gateway emotion. Once you get hooked on doubt it’s really easy to slip into other bad feeling emotions like fear, sadness, and the mother of them all depression.

When we doubt ourselves we don’t even really need anyone else to throw salt on our game, we’re literally just doing it to ourselves. But there’s no reason to doubt that you can do, be or have anything that you want. The mind and the body work together in a way that, if you have a thought in your mind like “that looks hard, I don’t think I can do”, it will introduce a feeling in your body, this particular is a little doubtful, right? Then once your body picks up on that emotion your mind will send a slightly heavier thought related to that emotion to confirm that “yes that is what we are supposed to feel right now” and then your emotion gets a little stronger. And then you think a coordinating thought. And then your emotion gets a little stronger and before you know it now you’re stuck in this loop of doubt and fear and then you sit on your ass and don’t make a move all because of you. No one else told you couldn’t do it, you told yourself that. So you end up not taking a risk or a leap or a step all because YOU told yourself you couldn’t and then you created an emotion in your body that sent a confirmation to your mind that it was right for sending you that thought in the first place.

Well you know what ladies and gents, it was wrong! We were not put here on this earth to stay holed up in some cones somewhere scared of our own freakin shadow until we die. We are here to live out our fullest potential, and to get to your fullest potential you gotta let all that negative self-talk go.

The “I’m never going to be that” and the “this is the only job I can get because I don’t have...” and “I’m not smart enough to...” and “when I was growing up nobody made me feel...” 


You grown now! Where you are today, right now, thats all you. Not your mama, not your daddy, not your deadbeat ex boyfriend or girlfriend, not your old boss that tried to keep you from getting that promotion, it’s just you and every negative thought you grasp onto causing the same reaction, and the same reality. 

Practice makes perfect and flipping doubtful thoughts before they turn into worse feeling emotions is the name of the game here.

Thinking more positively not only feels better but it allows you to maintain a sense of hopefulness, which is the best place to be in when you’re ready to attract some good shit into your life. Hopefulness leads to excitement about the unknown, rather than fear of the unknown. And excitement leads to a true belief that anything you want to experience you absolutely can.

So the next time you’re getting ready to try something new, go somewhere new, meet somebody new, when you notice negative, doubting thoughts start to creep in, I want you to breathe, cut those thoughts off with a simple “stop” or “thank you mind but not now” and then immediately reach for a better feeling thought. So “I can’t do this, I don’t even know why I thought I could” can turn into “I can do this. Lots of other people do this and they are successful so I can be to. And the more I do it, the better I’ll get, but I have to start first. Everything always works out for me. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to try something new”. Hopeful feels 100 times better than doubtful right?

If doubt has been your go-to thought process whenever it’s time to try something new, it’s time to shut it down. You don’t have to know how every single thing is going to play out before you try but being fearful of every single thing that could play out isn’t going to help you find out.

Trying will help, telling yourself you got this will help, visualizing best case scenarios will help, reminding yourself that you’re made of the same thing stars are made of helps. 

Arm yourself with the right tools so that when icky thoughts try to catch you off guard, you’re ready.

Some of my favorite affirmations & mantras are:

  • I can have, do or be whatever I want. 

  • The work I do is in alignment with my highest calling.

  • I am hopeful and exited about how my life is unfolding.

  • Everything is working out for me.

  • I am a magnet for amazing opportunities.

  • Every day, all day I feel ease, abundance and eagerness.

  • Even in resistance, I can have what I desire.

  • Every day gets better and better. 

What mantras can you come up with to help you get through the day?!

Kelley Raye | Branding Photographer + Creative Business Coach | Atlanta - Los Angeles