The Best Cocktail for Uber Confidence


Confidence is key when it comes to starting new ventures, attracting new things into your reality, and smashing great big ole goals.

To push through any feelings of anxiety or fear when I want to do anything new, I like to whip up this little confidence cocktail…..

Breaking down a goal into a reasonable action plan is a great way to keep anxiety about the unknown future at bay. When you are able to work on smaller tasks related to your goal, your confidence grows with your productivity. Checking off small tasks on your daily to do list is the ultimate confidence booster! I talk more about how I break down big goals into bite-sized action steps in my last video, and that link is in the description box so be sure to check that out if you haven’t already.

If you’re anything like me you love to dream big. But dreaming big also leaves a lot of opportunity to be fearful and to talk yourself out of even trying to do all the things. The way that you talk to yourself plays a huge role in your self-confidence, how far we get with our goals and ultimately what you end up manifesting in your life. 

Positive self talk, especially for women, is an extremely important practice to implement in your day-to-day life, especially if you’re used to talking down about yourself. 

Things like “I can’t do that”  or “I’m so stupid” or “Well she’s cuter than me so that’s the only reason why...”


You HAVE to stop this.

You gotta start replacing those thoughts with better feeling thoughts if you want any shot at increasing your confidence. Whenever I’m about to take a big leap I like to remind myself that “things always work out for me and this will too”. 

It’s a lot easier to take a step into the unknown when you first create a solid mental picture of what it would look like if you were to succeed. So rather than drum up a whole bunch of worst-case scenarios, when it’s time for you to make a move, quickly visualize what you would look like immediately after whatever it is you’re preparing to do. 

So for example if you have to go to a networking event by yourself and striking up a convo with strangers freaks you out, before you go inside, you should envision having a great time chatting with people, handing your business card to people, shaking someone’s hand, or maybe even running into someone you know and giving them a hug. 

Visualizing about all the best case scenarios of a situation removes a ton of pressure and anxiety and it helps so much with taking that very first step.

FYI this confidence cocktail should be shaken not stirred. So the last thing you need to add is a 30 second dance party and then garnish with a lime, or lemon or….whatever just get to it!

Kelley Raye | Branding Photographer + Creative Business Coach | Atlanta - Los Angeles