Why You Should Feel Abundant (Even When You're Broke)


What’s up vibe tribe, and to some of you who cancelled January, Happy New Year again!

It’s C.R.E.A.M Week here at kelleyraye.com so every day this week we’ll be chatting about wealth, abundance, and financial freedom!

If you’ve been feeling lack in your life lately in your business or with your finances, I want to let you in on a little secret: in order to attract abundance, you have to feel abundant first (even when you’re broke). Feeling abundance puts you in the mindset and energetic frequency that allows you to attract more abundance, more wealth, more health, more good shit; so it is so important that you don’t put all your focus on what’s going less than great in your life and you focus on everything you love, everything you’re excited about, everything that makes you feel good now, despite whatever it is that you’re lacking.

Feeling abundant isn’t just about how much money is in your bank account. Abundance is a mindset and it comes in many forms. You can have an abundance of health, wealth, gratitude, love, good vibes, abundance is all around us. I always love to set an intention every morning to feel abundant throughout the day and sometimes it will come in the form of a business transaction, but sometimes it comes in the form of a refund or an unexpected extra, a surprise package, good news from a friend, or just an overwhelming sense of peace. Take time to notice the things around you that are going with the flow, some of those things may be stuff that we don’t pay attention to and just expect to be there like waking up and your eyes and legs work. There are things that happen to and for us every day that we don’t realize that is abundance.

I talk about journaling all the time but it really is a great way to practice so many things, including just living in the present moment. And when you’re writing down things that you are grateful for, past, present and future, you really can’t help but to feel the abundance that is all around you.

It’s important to be aware of and feel abundant as much as possible so that you can continue to attract more of it into your life. You cant wait until you have lots of money to feel wealthy, you have to feel wealthy now with what you have to attract more things and experiences that share that same frequency. You cant wait until you accomplish a goal to feel successful, you have to feel successful now, even before you’ve achieved it in order to live in the mindset that will help you make that dream a reality. 

Abundance has to be with you here, now, in the present moment, if you would also like it apart of a future experience. We don’t attract what we want, we attract who we are. We are energy magnets, so whatever energy you’re throwing out, that is what is going to come back to you. So if you’re walking in lack, you are going to attract lack. But if you’re walking in abundance, no matter how much money you do or don’t have, you will attract more abundance.

And the longer you can hold that vision, and operate from that frequency without introducing doubt or fear into the equation, the more abundance you will attract and a steady and consistent basis. 

If you need help getting into an abundant state of mind, start with a gratitude journal and take note of all the things in your life that are amazing, big and small. Don’t focus on things you don’t have, because your mindset will turn to lack, and that ain’t what we want. Focus on what you do have and then mix in things that you want but only in a super eager way. So if you don’t have a car but would really like one you can say “I am so grateful for the breakfast that I had this morning, it was amazing. And I am so grateful for my new car, it is exactly what I wanted” Being just as grateful for breakfast as you would be if a new car appeared in your driveway, is exactly the frequency you want to be on to attract it.

Checking things off of my happiness list always brings instant awareness to the abundance around me and it’s one of my favorite things to do. My happiness list is a list of small experiences that make me happier and more whole than any amount of money ever could. And the things on my list are so simple. I have things like riding or driving in my car at dusk with the music blasting and i even have a sunset drive playlist, watching my dog run, the first sip of coffee in the morning, getting my car washed, perusing a very long magazine shelf, walking through target, writing something in my agenda, lighting all the candles in my house, a bowl of pho, smelling new books in the book store, just so many random, little things like that. You should definitely make a list of the little things that make your heart smile, and whenever you’re feeling down about your finances or just life in general, go to your list, choose something and go do it for an instant vibrational boost. 

Celebrating others is also an amazing feeling, even though it may not have anything to do with you, there’s still something that feels so good about seeing a friend or someone you admire, win at life. If fills me up seeing my friends announce that they are pregnant, or getting married, or got a book deal, or leased their first brick and mortar. Having genuine happiness and love for other people and celebrating their abundance can make you feel abundant just the same. For me, watching other people grow is motivational, its inspirational, and it just feels damn good. Everybody needs a cheerleader, go be one for somebody!

Kelley Raye | Branding Photographer + Creative Business Coach | Atlanta - Los Angeles