Overcoming Imposter Syndrome


Imposter Syndrome. A sneaky little culprit that likes to stop by every now and then, when you’re embodying being “the shit” so well… you start questioning your own damn self.

Imposter syndrome is something a lot of entrepreneurs go through every now and then, especially when you are really starting to take off, you’re finding your stride, you’re getting shit done and it starts to show. Imposter syndrome is when you feel undeserving of good things happening to and for you, amazing opportunities, more money, all of that good stuff despite the work you’re putting in to be worthy of such an amazing reality. I don’t know why we do it, why we think we don’t deserve things especially when we’re actually putting in the time, the long hours, constantly investing in ways to build your business instead of buying yourself something nice, we work harder than anyone we know and then have the nerve to look at our accomplishments and think “maybe I shouldn’t mention that”, “maybe I shouldn’t post that”, “that’s not really a cause for celebration, that could happen to anybody” and it literally hasn’t happened to not one person you know.

Why we sometimes feel like an imposter

We, women, we don’t just downplay our accomplishments once they’ve already done into fruition, we downplay all the hard work and energy, the waking up early, the going to bed late, the missed weekends, the working while were sick, the never taking a day off, we downplay all of the shit that went into it the accomplishment which is really where I believe imposter syndrome really gets it legs.

Because the way that we visualize our past efforts is like it’s no big deal. You start to tell yourself things like

“anyone can do it”

“everyone is doing it”

“that was nothing”

“I got lucky”

Being humble and remembering where you started as you grow into this badass business unicorn is so great, it’s a wonderful, its so awesome, really, stay humble, yes of course.


There is a very thin line, especially for women, between being humble and just straight up thinking you don’t deserve the things that you do.

You do deserve to charge that rate. You do deserve that seat in that panel. You do deserve to be acknowledged for your hard work. I mean, if you’re just working your ass off for shits and giggles, then at the very least you deserve a vacation.

Ways to stop feeling like an imposter

// Hang with Other Amazing People

Hang out with people in your circle that are equally amazing, so that you can consistently stay inspired, motivated and so that you can boost each other up. If you can’t take a compliment at least get out into the world and start giving them. 

// Make reciting daily mantras and affirmations a regular practice.

If you are constantly reminding yourself that you are deserving of everything you have and more, you will eventually start to believe it. If you need help getting started with some killer mantras and affirmations, just find any #fridayvibeday post on my blog or youtube channel, and get to work!

// Celebrate Small Wins

At the end of every week, write down a list of accomplishments, big or small, that you experienced in your business and life. When we let weeks or months go by without physically acknowledging our growth, or steps that we’ve taken towards a certain goal, we just kind of conveniently forget all of the hard work and energy that we actually put into the journey of an accomplishment. Like we don’t remember all the tears and the false starts and the hurdles that we fell over and the doors that closed on us and the very last dollars we invested. 

Despite what your Instagram feed my look like…you and I both know this shit ain’t easy. Small wins count for something too, so make your list every week, I don’t care how minuscule you think the goal was, if you got some shit done, if you moved the needle any kind of way, I want you to celebrate it and celebrate you.

You are not an imposter.

You are a hard-working, money-making, boss and you absolutely 100% deserve every fruit of your labor. So if you came here today because you were feeling some type of way….shake. it. off.

Now let’s get back to killing it, shall we?

Kelley Raye | Branding Photographer + Creative Business Coach | Atlanta - Los Angeles