Meet Kacie Willis | Producer, Podcast Host and Creativity Coach | Atlanta Creative Women Entrepreneur


Name: Kacie Willis

What do you do? For who? Sound design, marketing analytics and production for independent artists, entrepreneurs and organizations

What city do you live in? Atlanta

Where are you from originally? Detroit

What’s one thing the average person wouldn’t know about you? I prefer to watch campy B Movies because I believe there's inherent value in every work of art

What made you want to become an arts producer? When I was little I couldn't understand how music "lived" on cassette tapes and I accidentally became fascinated with audio technology. That path also randomly let me to various arts admin opportunities...and now I want to be a powerful, eccentric arts leader, just cuz.

Who would you love to work with one day? Reggie Watts or Marc Rebillet, silly people who do sound stuff are my fav

What did you do to prepare for your branding photo session with me? Honestly I tried not to think about it much, I'm definitely an overthinker so I didn't want to freak myself out

Were you nervous? If so, at what point were you able to overcome those nerves? Yup. But as soon as Kelley said, "Hey" I was like oh ok, these are good vibes, she won't make me look or feel bad.

How do you build/maintain your confidence?: Embracing the awkwardness and going into situations fully accepting that I'm likely about to make things weird. Making things weird as been the ultimate flex, tbh. This is a strange time in history so being able to match the climate with strange (unique) ideas has been quite valuable.


Describe your personal style:: Boho-pajama chic-if I can't immediately fall asleep in what I'm wearing I probably won't feel comfortable in it. Also big earrings and glitter, even though you probably shouldn't fall asleep wearing either.

What countries have you traveled to? Where would you like to travel?: Canada, France, Jamaica. I want to go to Prague in the next year or so to get a tattoo from my favorite IG artist....that's-that's literally the reason why.

What’s your personal manifesto?: I can be lots of things...

What’s one accomplishment that you’re super proud of?: Taking my entrepreneurship journey seriously because it kinda meant that I started taking myself and my own abilities seriously. It's crazy how long it can take for that to actually start to happen.

What book are you reading right now?: One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher

Where do you see yourself this time next year?: I see myself executive producing several podcasts, monetizing several passion projects that have been revitalized during shelter in place and working as a creativity coach and consultant to help artists and creatives rebuild and thrive post-pandemic.

What are three words your friends would use to describe you?: Random, Low-key, Bro

What’s keeping you busy these days?: I'm currently in pre-production for my 1st podcast, producing other people's podcasts (OPP), designing sound for a few virtual theatrical performances, doing digital marketing for a few local theaters and e-volunteering when I can.

Any advice for an up and coming self-made boss?: You don't have to keep your professional desires a secret. I thought that it was bad luck to talk about the ways in which I wanted to succeed until I was already where I wanted to be but that's completely counterintuitive. The more I shared with people that I trusted about my goals, the more they pitched in with resources and connections that helped to bring my goals into reality. Most people that care about you genuinely want to be a part of your success.



Where can we connect with you?: @kcshar1 @couldbeprettycool @heardwritepod