Meet Drew Nicole | Atlanta Personal Stylist and Boutique Brand Merchandiser


This is the image of a babe whose brand spankin’ new website just launched today! And if you think Drew’s personal stylist skills are impeccable, wait until you get to experience her work ethic first-hand! As a CBD coach, nothing means more to me than a client who is ready to hit the ground running and fully shows up. That is Drew. This style superhero is about her business and she doesn’t just make you look good, she makes you feel good, and y’all know I love a feel good moment, especially if it involves blush tulle. Drew is a ball of glitter and sunshine and you HAVE to meet her! Keep reading to find out how Drew’s obsession with style started and if you need style help for your next branding shoot, hit her up early, this mama is booked and busy!

Hey Drew! So what do ya do?: I’m an Image Architect and Brand Merchandising Manager. I curate style for professionals and create revenue increasing merchandising strategies for boutiques. 

What city do you live in? Atlanta, GA 

Where are you from originally? Born in San Diego, CA and raised in Atlanta, GA. 

What’s one thing the average person wouldn’t know about you? That I had an obsession with the red bag of Skittles until they changed the lime green skittle to green apple. I hate Skittles now. I actually wrote in to complain about it. 

What made you want to become an image stylist: I was the kid who cut up my good church socks to make dresses for my Barbie dolls! Style has always been a passion of mine. It wasn’t until adulthood that I realized I was gifted in this world of fashion. My drive comes from seeing a client’s excitement once a project is done. Helping clients to see themselves in a different light, or for my merchandising clients, helping them to reimagine their retail space, brings me joy. 


Who would you love to work with one day?: I want to work with any working professional, owner, stay-at-home mom, and entrepreneur, who is looking to upgrade their image. Any boutique owner who feels their shop may need a refresh and new strategies to maintain the revamp, I would love to be of service. 

What did you do to prepare for your branding photo session with me? What didn’t I do! Lol! After reading your beautiful prep guide, I over prepared. As a stylist over preparation is second nature to me. I started with 11 looks and dwindled that down based on our treatment, shoot setting, pulled out props and organized. (I’m extra. Lol) In my work, it is imperative that I think of the minute details so that I am not missing anything, so early preparation is always key for me. 

Were you nervous? If so, at what point were you able to overcome those nerves? No not nervous. I was more so continuously going over the “everything” checklist in my head. Being able to have the opportunity to work with you on a shoot in the past for a mutual client, I knew what to expect and what the atmosphere would be like with me being in front of the camera this time. I was READY! 

How do you build/maintain your confidence? As part of my self care I speak affirmations everyday. I also do a lot of meditation and yoga. This helps me to remain balanced. 

Describe your personal style: My style is mostly modern with a pop of pattern or color. I adore oversized anything because I love to manipulate a piece’s original function to create a new look. I could be wearing an off shoulder top, but it’s original function was a basic button down. 

What countries have you traveled to? Where would you like to travel? *covers eyes* I’ve only been to one, but I would love to travel to Belize and Fiji. 

What’s your personal manifesto? Alignment leads to favor, and favor leads to abundance. Become aligned and mountains will be moved. 

What’s one accomplishment that you’re super proud of? I was able to travel to nearly all 50 states doing just this. I was a wardrobe stylist on the Ebony Fashion Show tour, in its final traveling year. I met some incredible souls who I still communicate with to this day, who have gone off to do amazing things. 

What book are you reading right now? Vibrate Higher Daily by Lalah Delia and Sacred Woman by Queen Afua 

Where do you see yourself this time next year? On a beach in Belize or Fiji celebrating the successes of Curated Image Design. 

What are three words your friends would use to describe you? Purposeful, Enlightened, Free 


My style is mostly modern with a pop of pattern or color. I adore oversized anything because I love to manipulate a piece’s original function to create a new look. I could be wearing an off shoulder top, but it’s original function was a basic button down.

What’s keeping you busy these days? Outside of working to grow my online presence and this CONTENT CALENDAR (Lol!), my incredible 8 year old son keeps me on my toes. Nothing brings me more joy than to watch him grow into his own person, learning, and exploring. 

Any advice for an up and coming self-made boss? Stay consistent and remain disciplined! When growing a business, those are two of the toughest things to keep yourself accountable for. Make sure to also have like-minded people around you. You’ll have your days where you want to throw in the towel, but having your like-minded crew behind you to be what you need during those times is priceless. 


Where can we connect with you?: Instagram @curatedbydrew and @curatedimagedesign and facebook @curatedimagedesign

Atlanta Branding Session Details

Photography // Kelley Raye
Stylist // Drew Nicole
Venue // Blanc Studio West

Kelley Raye