Clear Negative Blocks and Just Start Already!


Ok Vibes, today is THE day that you are going to start that thing, whatever it is that you’ve been saying you were going to do. So whether it’s a travel blog, or a service-based business, or a food truck, or a magazine, whatever it is, to finally have that dream become apart of your reality, you have to just start!

So when we’re talking about getting off your ass and finally taking a leap into whatever it is that you want to do, I know there are probably some things holding you back. But I’m here to let you know that all of your dreams are waiting for you outside your comfort zone, and just staring is literally half the battle. So let’s chat about some things that may be holding you back from starting, and ways to override them, shall we?

Analysis paralysis 

If you’ve never heard of Analysis Paralysis, this is a fun (and kind of scary) way to describe overthinking. Now guys overthinking is a totally common thing throughout the process of bringing an idea to life, especially if you don’t have a ton of experiencing with whatever it is you’re building. So I do want you to know that we all overthink at one time or another. The issue though is when you let overthinking hinder you from actually taking steps to move your idea forward. When you overthink or over analyze a concept to the point of paralysis, you’ve let fear take control. And if you’ve watched any scary movie ever, you know that nothing good comes from letting complete fear take over. So if you are currently dealing with analysis paralysis, my advice to you is to take what you already know about your idea, pick 2 reasonable action steps you know for a fact you can do right now, don’t think about them anymore and just do them. After you do those and see that you didn’t 2 more action steps. Rinse. Repeat.

All the Excuses

When I feel too tired, or feel too busy, or even when I’m too attached to a specific outcome of an event, I can find all of the excuses in the word not to do something, and if you’re still on the fence about whatever it is you’re trying to do, I’m guessing you can too. Here’s the thing: we can find just as many excuses not to do something as we can find reasons to do something. So really it just comes down to what you’re choosing. Choose an excuse, another hour goes by, another day goes by, another week goes by, and had you started last month, you would’ve been way further along by now. When you find yourself reaching for excuses, I want you to hold yourself accountable. Don’t beat yourself up or anything, just take notice of the fact that you just reached for an excuse of why you shouldn’t take an action and in that moment I want you to flip the script and reach for a reason for why you should. If I take this action right now, an opportunity may open up for me. If I take this action right now, I can get it off my plate. If I take this action right now, I’ll know how it feels and it will be easier the next time. Your why is always a better choice than your excuse, so when you find yourself starting to doubt your next steps, reach for your why.

Your old habits

Our old habits are one of the hardest things to overcome, but to really step into a new reality, one where you’re successful and thriving and so much is happening you can barely keep up, you’ll have to kill off the habits that have kept you from achieving that up to this moment. Our subconscious mind is always sending signals to our body to do things the same way, from the way make your coffee to the way you perceive the journey to your goals. If you want to be a better version of yourself, you’re going to have to act like a better version of yourself. There’s this saying I always think of “Dress for the job that you want, not the job that you have” and it’s not just talking about a literal corporate job, it’s talking about life too. When you act like the person you want to become, you draw that reality in, and then you eventually become that. So don’t let the fear of dropping habits that are comfortable yes but really no longer serve you and this next chapter of your life.

Negative thought patterns

All of my clients know how I feel about negative self talk and if you’ve been watching my videos you know I feel too. Negative thought patterns are the number one thing that take us down before we even blink. The thing is, thought patterns are embedded, they are on auto pilot, and to make a whole mindset shift you have to consciously choose better feeling thoughts about yourself, about your desires, about your abilities, about everything. Without a positive mindset, you will fail every single time. I talk more about positive self-talk in a video I posted last week, so be sure to check that out when you get a chance. It is so important that we talk to ourselves with more love, more positivity and more grace.

The need to control the unknown

There are an unlimited amount of possibilities floating around in our universe every millisecond, so there is no way you can control the outcome for which you experience anything. When I get it in my head that I want to experience something, that thing comes in a way that I would have NEVER guessed and so I don’t even bother trying to. If you’re not taking steps towards the life you want because you’re too busy trying to control the whole entire road map, you gotta let that need for control go, immediately. Because there is no set road map. There is no set way to get any particular place. So if you’re thinking “I gotta do it this way, this way and this way, or I’m not going to do it” well then girl...sips tea...I guess you not doing it. You can’t control how the universe drop stuff in your lap, your only job here is to believe that it will. Fear of the unknown is a huge reason why people don’t just start the thing. You you will never know the way something is going to unfold for you in the end, but what you should know is that nothing will happen if you just sit there being scared.

Once you finally do get started, the road isn’t always peachy, but it’s definitely worth it. 

I want you to know that abundance is at your fingertips, you are amazing, and your dreams are becoming reality as we speak. You totally got this!

Kelley Raye | Branding Photographer + Creative Business Coach | Atlanta - Los Angeles