21 Instagram Caption Prompts to Help Expand Your Personal Brand


One time I made an INSTANT friend in real life because she read on my About Me page before we met that I only fly Delta. It never crossed my mind that I would bond with someone over medallion status but her knowing that one small fact about me made us instantly connected. Like, she knows my whole life without me having to say much. That’s the power of letting people in on your life, your quirks, your favorite gym, or whether you’re #teamiphone or…well I don’t know the name of the other brands but you get what Im saying.

It’s important to engage with people; not just digesting their most vulnerable moments, but by sharing your own story as well. People want to know you. You know how exciting it is to uncover a commonality you have with someone you’ve been following on Instagram, It’s like winning the lottery! And there’s people out there that want that same experience with you.

One of the first things I ask my Creative Business Development Clients before we start working on their Brand + Content Strategy is “on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you like to write?” A lot of them don’t, which is why they come to me in the first place. In a world that goes more and more digital every day, without meeting someone in person, all you really have are their words. So what you put out there for the world to read is SUPER important and very necessary.

So when I’m asking my CBD clients how much do they like to write, what I’m really asking is

“How often are you sharing your authentic story with others?”


I know letting people in on your life, especially via social media, can feel super weird at first. There’s just something about watching your thoughts unfold into phrases and then sweating bullets as you post for people to read the very INNER DEPTHS of your soul and then *gasp* COMMENT on them. To write is to be vulnerable. To share triumphs and tribulations, past experiences and dreams. It can be both gut wrenching and liberating at the same time. And I get it, engaging with people on social media is like looking for a lunch table on the first day at a new school. Cringy at first, but necessary.

For people to know the person behind the screen, the woman behind the small business, the very real human behind their favorite digital highlight reel, you gotta let people in.

And since you’re currently social distancing, NOW is the perfect time to practice writing an engaging Instagram post!


21 writing prompts to get you going!

1. What is your no-fail go to when you need inspiration or to get out of a creative rut?

2. Name a fear or professional challenge that keeps you up at night?

3. What is your personal or professional motto?

4. Where would you like to travel next?

5. If you had intro music, what song would it be?

6. What are the three best app on your phone?

7. What’s the most useful thing you own?

8. Is Paris worth the hype?

9. What restaurant do you eat at most?

10. What is the craziest, most outrageous thing you want to achieve?

11. Who in your life brings you the most joy?

12. What’s your all time favorite book?

13. What did you do on your last vacation?

14. What’s your morning routine?

15. What 5 things are saving your life right now?

16. Have you ever spoken in front of a large group of people? How did it go?

17. What is your guilty pleasure?

18. What cartoons did you watch as a child?

19. What podcasts or podcast episodes do you love?

20. Who had the biggest impact on the person you have become?

21. Favorite Netflix Original?

Go ahead, try some out! And if you need a little help or just want a second pair of eyes before you post, shoot me a DM!